Black Bean Soup (Sos Pwa Nwa)

Sous Pois
  • Servings : 8
  • Prep Time : 5m
  • Cook Time : 1:30 h
  • Ready In : 1:35 h

Here is the Haitian version of black bean soup (Sauce Pwa). This soup is usually served with white rice and can be made with other varieties of beans. It has a creamy savory flavor and is one of our favorites.


  • 16 oz Bag black beans
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • 1 tbs Salt
  • 1 tbs Pepper
  • 2 tbs Olive oil
  • 1 tsp Ground cloves
  • 1 chicken bouillon
  • 8 cups of water


Step 1

In a 5 qt pot, boil water and beans until soft (approximately 1 hour). You may need to add water as the beans boil.

Step 2

Once the beans are soft, add 3/4 of the beans to a blender and puree' the beans with water from the pot.

Step 3

Run the puree' through a strainer while returning it to the beans still in the pot.

Step 4

Add the oil, coconut milk, salt, pepper and chicken bullion to the pot and stir slowly.

Step 5

Cook the beans on low heat for 15 min and then serve with white rice.

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Comments (15)

  1. posted by Dantheman on January 2, 2014

    Can I use this same steps to make green pea soup. Big fan of coconut milk. Can’t wait to try this

    • posted by jdboom1877 on January 2, 2014


  2. posted by Clerveau on January 7, 2015

    The directions are wonderful. Just made this dish and my first, very successful attempt at making white rice, black bean sauce, and chicken. Thanks!!!

  3. posted by stephanie on August 3, 2015

    just made this tonight except while boiling the beans in the water I added a strip of bacon and some hunks of onion and some of the cloves to the water and let them boil together. left the bacon in when I pureed. adds such a nice flavor. we loved!

  4. posted by Erica on August 13, 2015

    I don’t use coconut milk and hate the smell of cloves. Whenever I make black beans soup I add a medium onion, 2 garlic cloves, 1/4 tbsp Cummin powder, (amount per pounds of beans) 2 bay leaves, salt and black pepper, cayenne pepper, 1 chicken bouillon or chicken broth . (when using chicken broth dont add too much water to beans as it cooks to tender) Olive oil to sautee onion and garlic

    • posted by Claudelle Leveille on September 16, 2016

      I made it and I love it👍🏿👍🏿

  5. posted by samara on August 19, 2015

    I don’t know what this dish is supposed to taste like. But my taste buds think this is way too much ground clove. Next time I would use maybe half. Also, it’s not at all clear how much water to use or how thin the soup is supposed to be.

    • posted by Shannon on December 22, 2015

      Hey it’s actually taste really good with white rice and chicken on the side instead of just eating it as soup

  6. posted by joanna on June 1, 2016

    how much water are you supposed to use? do you mind adding that detail to your blog please. Thanks in advance. I’m looking for a good black bean recipe to add to a tex mex rice bowl plan on making. I might make modifications to your recipe only because i’ll be making regular black beans and not the soupy kind. Once again thanks

    • posted by HaitianCooking on June 8, 2016

      It’s approximately 8 cups or enough to cover the dried beans without the water spilling out of the pot when boiling. More then likely you will have to add more for the beans to cook thoroughly.

  7. posted by Pd on September 13, 2016

    Wonderful. As a fellow Haitian, I’m proud of folks like yourself promoting our country and heritage. Ignore the negative comments and accept the constructive criticism. Again thank you!

  8. posted by Amber on August 12, 2017

    Thanks for the recipe. A friend of mine made this before and I loved it. This recipe is just as great!

  9. posted by Kat on April 25, 2020

    People are thinking this is a tex mex black bean soup, which it is not. It is a Haitian dish. Sos pwa is delicious with white rice or maise moulee.

  10. posted by Melissa on July 1, 2020

    Can you make in a vitamix with canned beans

  11. posted by Fay on July 27, 2020

    Excellent recipe! I’ll definitely be making it again


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