Haitian Bread (Pain)

  • Yield : 4
  • Servings : 8 - 10
  • Prep Time : 2:25 h
  • Cook Time : 35m
  • Ready In : 3:00 h

Traditional Haitian Bread is the most common bread you will find through out Haiti. The bread comes in many shapes and sizes and is often served with delicious Haitian coffee. Each baker has their own twist on the ingredients so here is a simplified version with the most common ingredients. Once you try it once you will never buy bread again.


  • 1 lb or 3 1/2 cups of Bread flour
  • 1 package of Instant dry yeast
  • 1 1/4 cup warm water
  • 2 Tbs sugar
  • 4 Tbs cold butter
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 Tbs Olive oil (to grease bowl)


Step 1

In a large mixing bowl, add the flour, yeast, sugar and butter.

Step 2

Mix the flour by hand with hands for 3 - 5 min.

Step 3

Add the warm water and salt to the mix.

Step 4

knead the mix by hand in the bowl until the dough is smooth and slightly tacky. Approximately 5-10 min. Do not add any additional flour or water to the mix.

Step 5

Form the dough into a small ball and set aside for a min.

Step 6

Lightly grease another bowl with the olive oil and place the dough ball in the bowl.

Step 7

Cover and let the dough rise in a cool dry place until, about 45 minutes.

Step 8

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Step 9

Lightly grease a counter top and flatten the dough into a flat square by hand.

Step 10

Cut the dough into 4 equal squares.

Step 11

Roll each square into a tight spiral log.

Step 12

Grease the desired pan with a little olive oil.

Step 13

Place each roll in the desired pan.

Step 14

Bake dough for 25-30 min.

Step 15

Allow bread to cool and serve.

Suggested Haitian Ginger Tea Products

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Comments (18)

  1. posted by Audrey on May 18, 2015

    Does this recipe not require a second rise?

    • posted by HaitianCooking on May 20, 2015

      It’s optional. A second rise will make it a little fluffier.

  2. posted by Shaney Fanis on November 10, 2016

    I tried this recipe the bread was tough. Missing something not sure what, did it a second time gave it a second rise still tough help!

    • posted by Shantay on September 4, 2017

      How are you measuring the flour? Are you scooping the flour into the measuring cup with a large spoon until full and then running a knife across the top to level it off? This is the proper way to measure flour for baking purposes. If you are scooping the flour with the measuring cup itself, then you are adding too much flour. This would result in a tougher dough.

    • posted by Audrey on September 10, 2017

      I have made this recipe several times and it has never been tough. You may be adding too much flour. To prevent this, spoon the flour into the measuring cup instead of dipping the cup into the container of flour. Also, don’t forget to add the extra 1/4 of water.

  3. posted by Lolo on May 31, 2017

    I much calorie are on those bread

  4. posted by Foodlover on February 14, 2018

    We don’t have a Haitian bakery here in Charlotte. I only enjoy this tasty bread when I go back visit NY & NJ. My kids love haitian breads & patties. I surprised them 3 weeks ago when they woke up Sunday morning to the smell of some good chocolate & Haitian bread. They keep asking for more..Thank you for sharing such a simple Haitian bread recipe 🥖 that is so appreciated by my family. Hope you keep bringing more. 🙏🏽
    PS: What is a second rise?

    • posted by HaitianCooking on February 14, 2018

      Second rise is when you let the bread sit in a cool dry place and let the yeast work it’s magic for another 25-30 min after rolling it. Hope this helps and good luck.

  5. posted by Michael Kerpan on March 5, 2018

    How many teaspoons of instant yeast (don’t have packets, just a bag of it). 😉

  6. posted by DD on May 3, 2018

    If you want to make this bread a day in advance, what is a good step to stop at? When it is rising? Should I let it warm up and rerise before rolling it out if I leave it in the fridge?

  7. posted by Dominique on November 24, 2018

    I made this bread for Thanksgiving and it was a hit with my family!!! It was my first time ever making bread. It was easy to follow. I will absolutely bake this bread again.

  8. posted by Osnel Pierre on December 4, 2018

    bless up

  9. posted by Perpétua on January 20, 2019

    OMG !! I followed your recipe to the T and bread was delicious . My sons were fighting for more. They had them with coffee. FYI they love coffee and bread.
    Oh did I also tell you that was my first time.
    And my friend also told me that I don’t have to buy bread anymore just bake own.


  10. posted by Dore B on December 4, 2019

    thank you soooo much. My bread comes out so great. Everybody loves it.

  11. posted by Marie Maitre on February 8, 2020

    There’s no Haitian bakery anywhere near where I live. I have been craving a piece of Haitian bread, like you would not believe! I made this recipe for the first time this morning, while my mom made Haitian style hot chocolate and coffee. OMG, the bread was a hit, even though I messed up a step! It says to place the dough in a cool, dry place, but I didn’t put it in the refrigerator. I believe that’s why it didn’t rise like in the video. I didn’t realize that, until I was reading the above comments! Nonetheless, the bread was amazing!!! I totally satisfied my craving! I dipped it in my chocolate, I was in heaven Thank you!!!
    PS: I made it with half the suggested sugar.
    Question: could I had prepared the dough the night before?

  12. posted by Perpetua on April 16, 2020

    OMG!!!! is all i can say. so my niece and I followed your recipe. bread was amazinggg. my boys enjoyed it.

    by any chance to you have a recipe for patties?

  13. posted by Bianca on April 27, 2020

    Can I use my kitchenaid instead of kneading by hand?

  14. posted by Carolyn M Egan on May 16, 2020

    This recipe s one of the best bread recipes that I’ve ever used. So simple and have added extra herbs on top for different flavors. Thank you ^__^


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