Cornmeal and Spinach (Mais Moulin ak Zepina)

Mais Moulin
  • Servings : 4-6
  • Prep Time : 10m
  • Cook Time : 60m
  • Ready In : 1:15 h

Mais Moulin (Cornmeal) is the Haitian equivalent of grits. With corn being a major staple in Haiti, it is typically served at breakfast with a side of avocados and served with Fish or eggs. Some even mix in black beans to give it an extra protein boost. In Haiti, many farmers start they day off with a huge plate to give them the energy they need to their work done. Here is our version of Mais Moulin with Avocados.


  • 2 Cups of Coarse Cornmeal
  • 2 Cups of chopped spinach
  • 1/2 tomato Diced
  • 1/2 Onion Diced
  • 1 tsp All purpose Seasoning
  • 1 Maggie Chicken Bouillon Cube
  • 1 tsp Salt (or to taste)
  • 2 Tbs Olive oil
  • 1 Tbs Tomato Paste
  • 2 Cups of Water


Step 1

In a medium size pot, sauté Onions and tomatoes with the olive oil.

Step 2

Add the chicken bouillon and continue to mix until it dissolves.

Step 3

Add the spinach and continue mixing.

Step 4

Add the tomato paste and water.

Step 5

Raise the heat to high and bring the water to a boil.

Step 6

Add the salt and cornmeal and stir for 5 minutes.

Step 7

Reduce the heat to medium and place the lid on the put.

Step 8

Allow the cornmeal to cook for 15 min or until desired texture. Occasionally mix to prevent clumping. You may add a little more water if needed.

Step 9

Serve with a side of sliced Avocadoes.

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Comments (11)

  1. posted by Eljonai on August 10, 2014

    Really Good!!! Direction very easy to follow!!

  2. posted by sandra on October 23, 2014

    My husband(who’s Haitian) visited Haiti 2 weeks ago and we had this for breakfast at our hotel. I absolutely loved it! So glad I stumbled upon this site and this recipe to add along with others. I will surprise him with it this weekend!

  3. posted by Dana on February 17, 2015

    You’ll actually need more than 2 cups of water so that the cornmeal isn’t lumpy or dry

  4. posted by Samara on August 19, 2015

    The water quantity is way off. I used 6 cups and it seems about right. I’m not sure what the texture is supposed to be. But normally cornmeal/polenta cooks at a 1:4 meal to water ratio, depending on the texture desired.

  5. posted by Darbi on October 25, 2015

    Good recipie. I used 5 cups of water instead And added some hot pepper flakes and hot sauce for my Haitian man. He likes his food hot. My first Haitian dish got the thumbs up!

  6. posted by Kat on May 22, 2016

    Water quantity way off. The grits soaked up two cups like nothing ended up adding three more. But it was good.

  7. posted by Sansan on November 15, 2017

    This looks delicious. I love trying different international recipes and this week I will be cooking haitian food exclusively. Please could someone tell me what is all purpose seasoning? Thanks

    • posted by Carina on December 5, 2017

      All purpose seasoning is used to season everything and anything you’re cooking. The most popular one is from Goya named adobo.

  8. posted by Sarah Ann Pierre on September 14, 2018

    The water is off. For 2 cups of cornmeal, I’d say 6 cups of water at the very very least. Other than that, pretty good!

  9. posted by Edward Durflinger on April 7, 2019

    Do some folks use djon-djon mushrooms to make this dish? I have them down at my local grocery store and I asked on Reddit what to do with them besides rice, and this dish was suggested, which brought me here.


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