Dous Makos (Haitian Fudge)

Dous Makos
  • Servings : 8-10
  • Prep Time : 5m
  • Cook Time : 25m
  • Ready In : 60m

Dous Makos is a type of vanilla fudge originating from Petit-Goave, Haiti. The candy typically contains 3 signature stripes a light colored vanilla layer, a chocolate layer, and a red layer made using food coloring. The candy was created by Fernand Macos in 1939 who many deem to be Haiti’s version of the Hershey family. Getting this recipe right is all about timing. Here is our version of the signature candy.


  • 2 Cups of sugar
  • 1/2 Cups of Whole Milk
  • 1 Can of sweetened condensed milk (14 ounces)
  • 8 Tbs of butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp of Anise star extract
  • 1/4 tsp of nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp of cinnamon
  • Red Food Coloring (Optional red layer)
  • 1/4 tsp of cocoa powder (Optional Dark brown layer)
  • wax paper
  • mini loaf pans


Step 1

In a 3 quart non-stick pot, add all ingredients (except food coloring and cocoa power) and cook on medium heat until sugar dissolves while constantly stirring.

Step 2

Once sugar dissolves, raise heat to high and continue stirring for 20 - 25 min or until mix has a lava consistency. If you have a candy thermometer it will be around 115 °C.

Step 3

Remove the pot off the heat and continue stirring for another 10-15 min. The mix will start to lose its shinny color as it cools.

Step 4

OPTIONAL - If you want to make the signature stripes, take half the mix and separate the half into 2 containers. Add 2 drops of food coloring in the first and a 1/4 tsp of coca powder in the second. Mix the thoroughly.

Step 5

Place wax paper in the mini loaf pans and fill it with the mix.

Step 6

Allow the mix to cool and harden for about an hour.

Step 7

Remove the mix from the pan and slice vertically.

Step 8

Store in a cool place.

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Comments (10)

  1. posted by etienne on January 15, 2015

    How to make Dous Makos Video please and,thank you!

  2. posted by Victoria on May 13, 2015

    This is amazing for my project

  3. posted by Sagine on December 11, 2015

    Wow this recipe is great. If you follow the recipe as is you will get excellent results. I made this twice already in a loaf pan and both times it came out good. Next time I will make it in a larger pan to get the red and brown lines more define.

  4. posted by Oliver on October 21, 2016

    My food day in school is coming up this is perfect.

  5. posted by Grace on January 26, 2017

    I could not for the life of me get mine to set. It was super frustrating. I tried the recipe twice, to a t, and neither time would it set :/ Any ideas on why?

    • posted by Thh on June 5, 2017

      Did you put it in the fridge after For at least 30m

  6. posted by Esther on November 4, 2017

    Mwen te fè li, men li twò dous. Mwen renmen li se pi plis krèm.

  7. posted by Lossa Julie on March 22, 2018

    I recently discovered the Haitian fudge while I went to a Haitian bakery with a friend I bought some for myself and my family. My children and I loved it and I find myself going back there often to get some more fudge now that I discover your recipe I’m going to try making it I hope I’m successful thank you for sharing your recipe. I’m thankful for everyone who’ve shared their recipe for Haitian food which is how I’ve been able to make food from my mom homelands she’s not here to teach me thank you again.

  8. posted by Osnel Pierre on December 4, 2018


  9. posted by Angie on November 7, 2019

    hello, I am a student and I’m using this for my french project. The fudge was so good! I recommend you make this as soon as possible


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