Haitian Beet Salad (Salade de Betteraves)

  • Servings : 8
  • Prep Time : 10m
  • Cook Time : 15m
  • Ready In : 30m

If you have never had beets in your potato salad, then you have been missing out big time. Haitian beet salad has a flavor that will have you coming back for second and third servings. When people first see this pink/purple-ish meal looks unnatural, but after the first bite it’s hard going back to boring potato salad.


  • 4 red potatoes
  • 2 Beets
  • 1 celery stalk diced
  • 1/2 Onion diced
  • 1/2 green pepper diced
  • 1/2 cup of mayonnaise
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 salt (or to taste)
  • 1 large carrot diced (about 1/2 cup)


Step 1

In a 1qt pot boil beets for 5 min.

Step 2

Add the potatoe to the pot and continue boiling for another 5 min.

Step 3

Add the carrots and boil for a final 5 min.

Step 4

Drain the water and allow the beets and potatoes to cool before peeling.

Step 5

Once peeled, dice beets and cube potatoes.

Step 6

In a large mixing bowl, add all the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Step 7

Place in refrigerator and serve cold.

Suggested Haitian Beet Salad Products

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Comments (5)

  1. posted by Martiez Green on October 4, 2014

    I will be trying this….

  2. posted by Kimberly Florival on December 9, 2015

    Add a can drained peas right before serving and you have a winner with this recipe!

  3. posted by Phillip Smith on February 7, 2018

    Although I’m a very American White man. I’ll be trying this for my wife shes Haitian and Venezuelean. She makes this and it’s my favorite dish now Ill try making my own for her of course.

  4. posted by Ren on October 15, 2018

    My friend Naama makes this and it’s Awesome! She adds sm. cubed ham, goat meat, and shredded cheddar cheese and if remember right, some hard boiled egg. One of the most AweSome things have ever had! I have it for a meal(s)! Love! love! love! it! Even her lemonade is awesome! and I don’t like lemonade! Thank you haitian.com for recipe! Almost forgot the peas! Smh @myself!

  5. posted by Ren on October 15, 2018

    My friend Naama makes this and it’s Awesome! She adds sm. cubed ham, goat meat, and shredded cheddar cheese and if remember right, some hard boiled egg. One of the most AweSome things have ever had! I have it for a meal(s)! Love! love! love! it! Even her lemonade is awesome! and I don’t like lemonade! Thank you haitian.com for recipe! & Almost forgot the peas! Smh @myself!


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